The Bell Let’s Talk campaign really focuses our attention on mental health. They have done an amazing job raising awareness. Issues around mental health have touched all our lives in one way or another.
Many of us are caregivers. I know I am. I also have aging parents, children and run a couple of businesses. There are days my plate feels so full and I wish it wasn’t. I have even tried to get someone else to take over some of my responsibilities. There really is only me…it get’s lonely, frustrating and very overwhelming at times. I understand the whole self care movement. Take more time for you…have a pedicure…get a massage…take the day off…blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard it all because I have said it to myself. I meditate and do yoga nearly every day which is very helpful and yet I still can feel lost in the shuffle.

Even self care can be a source of stress when you are emotionally and physically maxed out. Then it hit me…well it started in a conversation with a friend. I tend to think I have to make big sweeping changes! She reminded me that all I needed were a few little tweaks and I would feel back in balance again. That was the change in perspective I needed. So instead of some big self care challenge, I decided to start something smaller.

7 Day Self Care Commitment
- Takes less than 15 minutes to do.
- Requires very little planning and effort
- Requires no money
I can guarantee that I am not the only one out there that has dropped themselves to the bottom of their to-do list. Have you paid for a membership somewhere and not used it? Have loads of books you haven’t opened? Bought a beautiful candle you have never lit? I am not the only one who gets overwhelmed and can’t figure out where to begin. Let’s start together!
Let’s Talk: What are you going to do each day to take care of you?
I’ll be posting each day on social media starting Wednesday February 20. Tell me what you are doing!!
Yoga Centre of Niagara Facebook
Yoga Centre of Niagara Instagram
Enjoy the Day!